STEP 1: [Register Metchain Wallet]
Setup your Metchain Web-wallet at: metwallet.metchain.tech
STEP 2: [Download Miner]
Download a GPU miner/version that supports Kheavyhash.
[examples: Lolminer 1.76a, Gminer v3.44, BZminer v20.0.0 or another preferred miner].
STEP 3: [Miner Setup]
Open the miner folder and locate an existing Kheavyhash .bat file then rename it Metchain.
Edit the Metchain.bat to Metchains settings, find and update the following information:
Algorithm: Kheavyhash
Pool/stratum: stratum+tcp://metminingpool.com:3131
[ Available ports and recommended hashrate: Port 3131 [ 0-10GH ] Port 3232 [ 10-50GH ] Port 3333 [ 50GH + ]
Wallet: replace the current address with your Metchain wallet Including the prefix.
[ Example: WALLET=metchain:a88b323c005837c1506316f5cf7803e81b4f06f3a6253fdb894a62bad8072fcb ]
Worker name: set name by adding .workerName to the end of your wallet address.
[Overclocks for your GPU may be added as per Kheavyhash]
Save and close the Metchain.bat file, then run it to start mining.
STEP 4: [Mining Confirmation]
Confirm that your miner is submitting shares then confirm your miner/wallet is actively showing on the mining pool.
This can be done by viewing "worker statistics'' enter your Metchain wallet address in the search bar. This will display worker details including
Worker hashrate, balance, awaiting balance and estimated revenue.
STEP 5: [Wallet Payments]
Log into your wallet and confirm that you have received your first reward. metwallet.metchain.tech
STEP 1: [Register Metchain Wallet]
Setup your Metchain Web-wallet at: metwallet.metchain.tech
STEP 2: [Download Miner]
Download a GPU miner/version that supports Kheavyhash.
[examples: Lolminer 1.76a, Gminer v3.44, BZminer v20.0.0 or another preferred miner].
STEP 3: [Miner Setup]
Open the miner folder and locate an existing Kheavyhash .bat file then rename it Metchain.
Edit the Metchain.bat to Metchains settings, find and update the following information:
Algorithm: Kheavyhash
Pool/stratum: stratum+tcp://metminingpool.com:3131
[ Available ports and recommended hashrate: Port 3131 [ 0-10GH ] Port 3232 [ 10-50GH ] Port 3333 [ 50GH + ]
Wallet: replace the current address with your Metchain wallet Including the prefix.
[ Example: WALLET=metchain:a88b323c005837c1506316f5cf7803e81b4f06f3a6253fdb894a62bad8072fcb ]
Worker name: set name by adding .workerName to the end of your wallet address.
[Overclocks for your GPU may be added as per Kheavyhash]
Save and close the Metchain.bat file, then run it to start mining.
STEP 4: [Mining Confirmation]
Confirm that your miner is submitting shares then confirm your miner/wallet is actively showing on the mining pool.
This can be done by viewing "worker statistics'' enter your Metchain wallet address in the search bar. This will display worker details including
Worker hashrate, balance, awaiting balance and estimated revenue.
STEP 5: [Wallet Payments]
Log into your wallet and confirm that you have received your first reward. metwallet.metchain.tech